Monday, 6 September 2010


tautologie:menh de hang dung
principe de contre appesition
etablir:chung minh
entrainer:dan den
contenter:zoi han
intuitive:truc wan
aborder:de cap
munit:cung cap
composition:su hop thanh
interne:noi bo
formidable:kinh khung
rien :nothing

Saturday, 4 September 2010


dirigeant:nha lanh dao
ordonner:yeu cau
elever:nang len
dur:cham chi,kho khan
commute:trao doi
transposer:chuyen ve
inverse:doi dien
douleur:noi dau
trac:noi so san khau
vertige:chong mat
sonner:chuong bao dong
annuler:huy bo
assertion:loi khang dinh
propriete:tinh chat
proposition:menh de

Tuesday, 31 August 2010


reciproque:nghich dao
implication:suy ra
deduire:suy ra
absurde:vo li
engendre:gay nen
contradicture:mau thuan
induction:phuong fap wi nap
recurrence:fep truy toan
dirigeant:nha lanh dao

Sunday, 29 August 2010

nhung viec da lam tuan wa

-tu vung:da post
-ngu phap:lam 27 trang trong cuon bai tap thay dua
-doc ngu phap ve phan tinh tu va thoi gian va lam 16 bai
-cach su dung en,faire+inf,gioi tu,cach noi su doi lap,hau qua,cac thi present,futur,passe -compose,imparfait,gerondif,conditionel
-conjugation 51 dong tu
-dich 1 chapter trong cms
-do campus den bai 12


meubler:sap xep do dung trong gia dinh
banlieue:ngoai o
convocation:hoi nghi
appartenir:thuoc ve
aucun:deu ko
verify"kiem tra

Wednesday, 25 August 2010


deranger:'am fien
nageur:nguoi boi
chaleur:nhiet do
revanche:tra thu

Monday, 23 August 2010


piste:duong mon
crise:khung hoang
vice:tat xau
passage:giao thong
chomeur:nguoi that nghiep
modest:khiem ton
achat:giao thuong
consacrer:hien dang
disposer:sap dat
manicurist:tho lam mong tay
friction:xoa bop
deranger:lam fien

Friday, 20 August 2010


la jambe:leg
ventre:da day
terrasse"san thuong
illustration:hinh minh hoa
conte:cau chuyen
endroit:toa lac
agite:co van de

Thursday, 19 August 2010


recruiter:linh moi
la blaque:joke
aliment:do an

Tuesday, 17 August 2010


boueux:lon xon
goudronner:trai da lam duong
rouer:danh bai
serpent:con ran
griser:lam vui ve
jaune:mau vang
redresser:dung day
cracher:chop lay
gliclee:su ban ra
retablir:hoi phuc
nettoyer:lam sach
inquieter:lo lang

Monday, 16 August 2010


ascenseur:thang may
paraisser:nguoi vo vong roi nghe
dore:ma vang
ajouter:them vao
dame:mai vom
colomne:cot tru
milieu:o giua
carre:quang truong
arc:canh cung
partout:moi noi
couloir:lan duong

Saturday, 28 November 2009

African Cup kick-off

thunderous adjective

/ˈθʌn.dər.əs/US pronunciation symbol/-dɚ.əs/ [before noun]
extremely loud
thunderous applause
a thunderous reception
vang nhu sam

accompaniment noun (MUSIC)

[C or U] music that is played with someone who is singing or playing the main tune
a song with piano accompaniment
humorous We worked to the accompaniment of (= while hearing the sound of) Mr French's drill.
phan nhac dem

scuttle verb (RUN)

/ˈskʌt.l ̩/US pronunciation symbol/ˈskʌt ̬-/
[I usually + adverb or preposition] to move quickly, with small short steps, especially in order to escape
A crab scuttled away under a rock as we passed.
The children scuttled off as soon as the headmaster appeared.
di voi va

dress rehearsal noun

the last time a play, opera, dance, etc. is practised before the real performance and is performed with the clothes, stage and lighting exactly as they will be for the real performance
dot tong duyet

whimper verb

/ˈwɪm.pər/US pronunciation symbol/-pɚ/ [I]
(especially of an animal) to make a series of small, weak sounds, expressing pain or unhappiness
A half-starved dog lay in the corner, whimpering pathetically.
I said she couldn't have an ice cream and she started to whimper.
giong ren ri

Atlantic rowers

row verb

/rəʊ/US pronunciation symbol/roʊ/ [I or T]
to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with oars (= poles with flat ends)
The wind dropped, so we had to row (the boat) back home.
cheo thuyen

distress noun

/dɪˈstres/ [U]
a feeling of extreme worry, sadness or pain
She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.
Many of the horses were showing signs of distress at the end of the race.
when you are suffering or are in great danger and therefore in urgent need of help
Six people were rescued by helicopter from a fishing boat in distress off the Cornish coast.
a distress signal
noi dau don

rudder noun

/ˈrʌd.ər/US pronunciation symbol/-ɚ/ [C]
a flat piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat or aircraft, which is moved from side to side in order to control the direction of travel
banh lai

capsize verb

/kæpˈsaɪz/ [I or T]
to (cause a boat or ship to) turn upside down by accident while on water
A huge wave capsized the yacht.
When the boat capsized we were trapped underneath it.
lat up

beacon noun

/ˈbiː.kən/ [C]
a light or fire on the top of a hill that acts as a warning or signal
As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of beacons was lit across the region.
figurative She was a beacon of hope in troubled times.
den hieu

divert verb (CHANGE DIRECTION)

/da ɪˈvɜːt/US pronunciation symbol/dɪˈvɝːt/ [T]
to cause something or someone to change direction
Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced.
Our flight had to be diverted to Stansted because of the storm.
to use something for a different purpose
Should more funds/money/resources be diverted from roads intorailways?
lam trech huong

flare verb (BURN BRIGHTLY)

/fleər /US pronunciation symbol/fler/
[I] to burn brightly either for a short time or not regularly
The flame above the oil well flared (up) into the dark sky.
ngon lua bung sang

clamber verb

/ˈklæm.bər /US pronunciation symbol/-bɚ/ [I usually + adverb or preposition]
to climb up, across or into somewhere with difficulty, using the hands and the feet
They clambered over/up the rocks.
I clambered into/onto the bus.
She clambered into bed.
leo treo

Monday, 23 November 2009

Artworks stolen during Rio Carnival

revel verb

/ˈrev.əl/ [I] (-ll- or US USUALLY -l-) literary
to dance, drink, sing, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way
nguoi an choi miet mai

vibrant adjective

energetic, exciting and full of enthusiasm
a vibrant young performer
a vibrant personality
a vibrant city
The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.
describes colour or light that is bright and strong
He always uses vibrant colours in his paintings.
soi noi

mar verb

/mɑːr/US pronunciation symbol/mɑːr/ [T] (-rr-) slightly formal
to spoil something, making it less perfect or less enjoyable
Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.
It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument in the car on the way home.
I hope the fact that Louise isn't coming won't mar your enjoyment of the evening.
lam hong

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

A film about Evo Morales

depict verb

/dɪˈpɪkt/ [T]
to represent or show something in a picture or story
Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.
In the book, he depicts his father as a tyrant.
[+ -ing verb] People were shocked by the advertisement which depicted a woman beating her husband.

blockbuster noun

/ˈblɒkˌbʌs.tər /US pronunciation symbol/ˈblɑːkˌbʌs.tɚ/ [C] informal
a book or film that is very successful, especially because it is exciting
a blockbuster movie/novel
bom tan

covet verb

/ˈkʌv.ɪt/ [T] formal
to want to have something very much, especially something which belongs to someone else
She always coveted power but never quite achieved it.
The Booker Prize is the most coveted British literary award.
them muon

elite noun

/ɪˈliːt/ [C + singular or plural verb]
the richest, most powerful, best educated or best trained group in a society
the country's educated elite
a member of the elite
disapproving A powerful and corrupt elite has bled this country dry.
thuong luu

pave verb

/peɪv/ [T]
to cover an area of ground with a hard flat surface of pieces of stone, concrete or bricks
The area from the shops to the beach is paved with bricks set in patterns.