noun [C]
a person who thinks and acts in an independent way, often behaving differently from the expected or usual way:
a political maverick
He was considered as something of a maverick in the publishing world.
người hoạt động chính trị độc lập
blitz (ACTIVITY)
noun [C]
1 a lot of energetic activity:
The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
2 SPECIALIZED when both players have to make a lot of moves in a very short period at the end of a timed game of chess, before the time allowed is past
hành động ồ ạt chớp nhoang
showing a willingness to take risks or offend people:
He described the plan as ambitious and audacious.
an audacious remark/suggestion
táo bạo
noun [C]
a television or radio programme:
a radio/television broadcast
We watched a live broadcast of the concert.
buổi phát thanh
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