Wednesday, 25 March 2009


prehistory PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
the period of human history before there were written records of events
thời tiền sử
Human prehistory is divided into three successive periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
describing the period before there were written records
thuộc về thời tiền sử
prehistoric man/humans/animals
Painting originated in prehistoric times.

toil PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
to move in a particular direction, slowly and with great effort
kéo lê
I was toiling up the hill with four heavy bags when he took pity on me.

tributary PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake:
nhánh sông
the Indre, a lesser tributary of the Loire

the system of water or waste liquids flowing away from somewhere into the ground or down pipes

sự rút nước
drainage channels/ditches/systems

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