Friday, 29 May 2009

Toefl reading 1995-AUG-22-30

traditional and ordinary
theo tục lệ
conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes
conventional medicine/farming
a conventional wedding
DISAPPROVING I find his art rather dull and conventional.

to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something
biện hộ
[+ ing form of verb] She advocates taking a more long-term view.
He advocates the return of capital punishment.

proclaim PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
to announce something publicly or officially, especially something positive
công bố
All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.
Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.
[+ that] It was the famous speech in which he proclaimed that socialism was dead.
[+ two objects] She was proclaimed Queen at the age of thirteen after the sudden death of her father.

preponderencePhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
the largest part or greatest amount
thế mạnh, thế trội
The preponderance of evidence suggests that he's guilty.

to surround a place, especially with an army, to prevent people or supplies getting in or out
vây quanh
The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted the aggressors.

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