Sunday, 21 December 2008

Etre + avoid conjugaison

Present tense of être /ɛtʀ/ - to be
I am je suis /ʒə sɥi/ We are nous sommes /nu sɔm/
You are tu es /ty ɛ/ You are vous êtes /vu zɛt/
He is
She is
One is
il est
elle est
on est
/il ɛ/
/ɛl ɛ/
/ɔ̃ nɛ/
They are
They are
ils sont
elles sont
/il sɔ̃/
/ɛl sɔ̃/

Past tense of être - to be
I was j'étais /ʒetɛ/ We were nous étions /nu zetjɔ̃/
You were tu étais /tu etɛ/ You were vous étiez /vu zetje/
He was
She was
One was
il était
elle était
on était
/il etɛ/
/ɛl etɛ/
/ɔ̃ netɛ/
They were
They were
ils étaient
elles étaient
/il zetɛ/
/ɛl zetɛ/

Note: Je and any verb form that starts with a vowel (or silent h) combine together for ease of pronunciation.

Future Tense of être - to be
I will be je serai /ʒə səʀe/ We will be nous serons /nu səʀɔ̃/
You will be tu seras /ty səʀa/ You will be vous serez /vu səʀe/
He will be
She will be
One will be
il sera
elle sera
on sera
/il səʀa/
/ɛl səʀa/
/ɔ səʀa/
They will be
They will be
ils seront
elles seront
/il səʀɔ̃/
/ɛl səʀɔ̃/

Present tense of avoir /avwaʀ/ - to have
I have j'ai /ʒe/ We have nous avons /nu zavɔ̃/
You have tu as /ty ɑ/ You have vous avez /vu zave/
He has
She has
One has
il a
elle a
on a
/il ɑ/
/ɛl ɑ/
/ɔ nɑ/
They have
They have
ils ont
elles ont
/il zɔ̃/
/ɛl zɔ̃/

Past tense of avoir - to have
I had j'avais /ʒavɛ/ We had nous avions /nu zavjɔ̃/
You had tu avais /ty avɛ/ You had vous aviez /vu zavje/
He had
She had
One had
il avait
elle avait
on avait
/il avɛ/
/ɛl avɛ/
/ɔ navɛ/
They had ils avaient
elles avaient
/il zavɛ/
/ɛl zavɛ/

Future tense of avoir - to have
I will have j'aurai /ʒoʀe/ We will have nous aurons /nu zoʀɔ̃/
You will have tu auras /ty oʀɑ/ You will have vous aurez /vu zoʀe/
He will have
She will have
One will have
il aura
elle aura
on aura
/il oʀa/
/ɛl oʀa/
/ɔ noʀa/
They will have
They will have
ils auront
elles auront
/il zoʀɔ̃/
/ɛl zoʀɔ̃/

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