a large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together
bầy đàn
a herd of cattle/elephants/goats
used to refer to cows that are used for producing milk, rather than meat, or to foods which are made from milk, such as cream, butter and cheese:
nuôi lấy sữa
dairy cattle
dairy farmers
dairy products
describes a piece of art, writing or music that represents the pleasant and traditional features of the countryside
thôn quê dân dã
The painting depicts an idyllic pastoral scene of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep.
perfect happiness
hạnh phúc nhất
Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of sheer bliss.
wedded/domestic bliss
to travel along a route that was not originally intended, or to move beyond a limited area
A herd of cattle had strayed into the road.
They got lost when they strayed too far from the footpath.
The ship strayed off course during the storm.
happening a lot or all the time
ko ngớt ko dứt
He's in constant trouble with the police.
machines that are in constant use
(of bells) to make a clear ringing sound
đánh chuông
In the square the church bells chimed.
simple and often rough in appearance; typical of the countryside
quê mùa
a rustic bench/cabin
The property has a certain rustic charm.
something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you
mối phiền toái
I've forgotten my umbrella - what a nuisance!
[+ ing form of verb] It's such a nuisance having to rewrite those letters.
I hate to be a nuisance, but could you help me?
Local residents claimed that the noise was causing a public nuisance.
to make a loud deep ringing sound like that of metal being hit, or to cause something to make this sound
ngân vang
He woke up to hear the sound of bells clanging in the distance.
[+ object + adjective] She clanged the metal gate shut behind her.
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