noun [C]
a plant with unusually shaped and beautifully coloured flowers
cây phong lan

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noun [C or U]
a small flower, or the small flowers on a tree or plant:
apple/cherry blossom
noun [C or U]
a small flower, or the small flowers on a tree or plant:
apple/cherry blossom
fuse (JOIN) 

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verb [I or T]
to join or become combined:
Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.
The bones of the skull are not properly fused at birth.
In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe.
verb [I or T]
to join or become combined:
Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.
The bones of the skull are not properly fused at birth.
In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe.
hợp nhất

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noun [U]
a powder produced by the male part of a flower, which is carried by insects or the wind and causes the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds
noun [U]
a powder produced by the male part of a flower, which is carried by insects or the wind and causes the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds
sự thụ phấn

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extremely small:
The helpings you get in the office canteen are microscopic!
extremely small:
The helpings you get in the office canteen are microscopic!
rất nhỏ

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verb [T]
to change something from its usual, original, natural or intended meaning, condition or shape:
My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.
verb [T]
to change something from its usual, original, natural or intended meaning, condition or shape:
My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.
làm méo mó

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very beautiful or pleasant:
What a gorgeous room/dress/colour!
The bride looked gorgeous.
The weather was so gorgeous.
very beautiful or pleasant:
What a gorgeous room/dress/colour!
The bride looked gorgeous.
The weather was so gorgeous.
lộng lẫy

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1 [C usually singular] the quality or power that something or someone has that makes them attractive:
the lure of fame/power/money
1 [C usually singular] the quality or power that something or someone has that makes them attractive:
the lure of fame/power/money
intrigue (INTEREST) 

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verb [T]
to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual or mysterious:
Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
verb [T]
to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual or mysterious:
Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
làm say đắm

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1 [C] a pleasant natural smell:
the scent of roses
2 [C] a smell produced by an animal which acts as a signal to other animals:
The hounds had lost the scent of the fox near the river.
3 [C or U] a pleasant smelling liquid that people put on their skin; perfume:
a bottle of scent
1 [C] a pleasant natural smell:
the scent of roses
2 [C] a smell produced by an animal which acts as a signal to other animals:
The hounds had lost the scent of the fox near the river.
3 [C or U] a pleasant smelling liquid that people put on their skin; perfume:
a bottle of scent
mùi thơm

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having a pleasant smell:
aromatic herbs
having a pleasant smell:
aromatic herbs

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verb [I or T]
to mix or combine together:
Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.
The cushions blend well with the colour of the carpet.
verb [I or T]
to mix or combine together:
Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.
The cushions blend well with the colour of the carpet.
hộp lại

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noun [C]
something that blocks you so that movement, going forward or action are prevented or made more difficult:
The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
This decision has removed the last obstacle to the hostages' release.
noun [C]
something that blocks you so that movement, going forward or action are prevented or made more difficult:
The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
This decision has removed the last obstacle to the hostages' release.
vật trở ngại

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(of a person) very clever and skilful, or (of a thing) cleverly made or planned and involving new ideas and methods:
an ingenious idea/method/solution
Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.
khéo léo
(of a person) very clever and skilful, or (of a thing) cleverly made or planned and involving new ideas and methods:
an ingenious idea/method/solution
Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.
khéo léo
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