Sunday, 6 September 2009

L'ouragan Ike frappe Cuba

ouragan /uʀagɑ̃/ masculine noun hurricane.

toucher2 /tuʃe/ masculine noun
  1. le ~ touch, the sense of touch;
  1. (of pianist) touch.
classer /klase/ (conjugate⇒) transitive verb
  1. to classify;
  1. to file
vent /vɑ̃/ masculine noun
  1. wind;
souffler /sufle/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb
    1. to blow out [candle]
pluie /plɥi/ feminine noun
  1. rain;
vague1 /vag/
  1. adjective vague
  2. mơ hồ
île /il/ feminine noun island.

fracasser /fʀakase/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb to smash.
maritime /maʀitim/ adjective [climate, commerce] maritime;

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