Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Security scare hits airport economy

restriction noun

/rɪˈstrɪk.ʃən/ n [C or U]
an official limit on something
import/export/currency restrictions
speed/parking restrictions
At the turn of the century, Congress imposed/placed a height restriction of 13 storeys on all buildings in Washington.
The president urged other countries to lift the trade restrictions.
sự giới hạn

bulk noun

/bʌlk/ n
[C usually singular] something or someone that is very large
She eased her large bulk out of the chair.
[U] large size or mass
It was a document of surprising bulk.
tải trọng

lucrative adjective

/ˈluː.krə.tɪv/US pronunciation symbol/-t ̬ɪv/ adj
(especially of a business, job or activity) producing a lot of money
The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.
sinh lợi

grapple verb

/ˈgræp.l ̩/ v [I]
to fight, especially in order to win something
The children grappled for the ball.
vật lộn

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