Monday, 29 September 2008
Từ Vựng ngày 29/9
Supreme(a) [su:’prim]
Having a highest rank, level or importance
Tối cao
The supreme leader of the armed force
The supreme court
Assume (v) [ə’sju:m]
To take or claim responsibility or control, sometimes without the right to do sth
Đảm đương, gánh vác
The new President assumes office at midnight tonight
Mount on (v) /maunt/
To get on a horse, bicycle,etc.
Cưỡi ( ngưa), lái ( xe,…)
The royal guards mounted on the horses
Dignitary (n) /'dignitəri/
A person who has an important position in a society
Ng quyền cao chức trọng
Many dignitaries attended the National Independent Ceremony
Pay tribute to sb/sth
To praise sb/sth
Tán dương, ca ngợi ( ai đó, việc zì đó )
The prime minister paid tribute to the man who recognised the bomb on a plane
Lack (v) /læk/
Not have enough
She couldn’t pass the enrollement’s exam because of lacking special abilities
Stature (n) /'stætʃə/
The good reputation a person or organisation has, based on their behaviour and ability
Tiếng tăm dựa vào năng lực
An artist of great stature
His stature as an art critic was tremendous
Controversy (n) /'kɔntrəvə:si/
A lot of disagreement or argument about sth, usually because it affects or is important
Sự gây tranh cãi, cuộc tranh cãi
There was a big controversy surrounding the use of drugs in athletics
Veil (n) /veil/
A piesce of thin cloth worn by women to cover their faces or their heads
Mạng che mặt
In India, A lot of muslims who wear veils are women
Retract (v) /ri'trækt/
To take back an offer or statement, etc. or admit that a statement was false
Rút lại ( ý kiến, lời hứa )
According to the weather forecast it would rain on her birthday, so she retracted her invitations for everybody to her party
Role model(n)
Ng gương mẫu
Joy is an excelent student. He's a role model for every student
Discrimination (n) /dis,krimi'neiʃn/
An action of treating a person or particular group of people differrently, especially in a worse way
In India or many Islam Countries, women are still in sex dicrimination
Sunday, 28 September 2008
weekend 28/9
bundle ['bʌndl] (n)
a number of things tired or wrapped together, sth that is wrapped up
.a bundle of chopsticks/ a bundle of firewood
A large amount of money
Số tiền lớn
.Furniture trading gives businessmen a bundle
unsolicited: [,ʌnsə'lisitid] (a)
a number of things tired or wrapped together, sth that is wrapped up
.a bundle of chopsticks/ a bundle of firewood
A large amount of money
Số tiền lớn
.Furniture trading gives businessmen a bundle
unsolicited: [,ʌnsə'lisitid] (a)
not asked for and sometimes not wanted
ko cần đến, ko mong muốn
.Spam is an unsolicited email
Enrollment [in'roulmənt] (n)
The act of officially joining a course, school, etc.
Lễ kết nạp
.School enrollment will be hold in September 5
entice [in'tais] (v)
to persuade sb/sth to go somewhere or to do sth, usually by offering them sth
dụ dỗ lôi kéo
.the criminal gave little girl a lollipop to entice her then kidnapped her
entry ngày 26/9

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noun [U]
the chance that something will happen:
This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike.
[+ that] There is every likelihood that more jobs will be lost later this year.
There is little likelihood now that interest rates will come down further.
sự việc có thể đúng

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noun [S] FORMAL
1 death
2 the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry or system:
The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
sự chết

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noun [C]
a mammal that lives in the sea, swims in groups and looks similar to a dolphin but has a shorter rounder nose
cá heo
noun [U]
the chance that something will happen:
This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike.
[+ that] There is every likelihood that more jobs will be lost later this year.
There is little likelihood now that interest rates will come down further.
sự việc có thể đúng
noun [S] FORMAL
1 death
2 the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry or system:
The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
sự chết
noun [C]
a mammal that lives in the sea, swims in groups and looks similar to a dolphin but has a shorter rounder nose
cá heo
Từ Vựng ngày 27-9
Recognisable (a) ['rekəgnaizəbl]
Easy to know or identify
Được công nhận
.The building was easily recognisable as a prison
Gigantic (a) [dʒai'gæntik]
Extremely large
Khổng lồ, kếch xù
SYN enormous, huge
.That billionaire has a gigantic property
Angular (a) ['æηgjulə]
Having angles or sharp corners
Có góc cạnh
.A desirn of large angular shapes
Fortification (n) [,fɔ:tifi'kei∫n]
A tower, wall, gun position, etc. built to defend a place against attack
Tường đài phòng thủ
.Clearly to see that many fortifications still exist in some Old Towns
Jut (v) [dʒʌt]
Lòi ra, thò ra
.Little dog jutted out from the window to stare the town
Tile (v)
To cover a surface with tiles
Lợp ngói
.The weather is very hot, so Tim tile his roof
Mazy (a) ['meizi]
Quanh co
.Her way home was very mazy, I tried so hard to find
Coastline (n)
The land along a coast
Bờ biển
.It’s very cool to go along the coastline
Inland (a) ['inlənd]
In a direction form the coast toward the middle of a country
Vào trong lãnh thổ
.Laos is an inland country
Suburb (n) ['sʌbə:b]
An area where people live that is outside the centre of a city
.Binh Duong ia a suburb
Evacuate (v)
To move people from a place of danger to a safer place
Sơ tán dân cư
.Children were evacuated to a safer place
Blaze (v)
Cháy dữ dội
.The forest blazed. Almost whole trees of forest were died
Prone (v)
Thiênm về, ngả về
Easy to know or identify
Được công nhận
.The building was easily recognisable as a prison
Gigantic (a) [dʒai'gæntik]
Extremely large
Khổng lồ, kếch xù
SYN enormous, huge
.That billionaire has a gigantic property
Angular (a) ['æηgjulə]
Having angles or sharp corners
Có góc cạnh
.A desirn of large angular shapes
Fortification (n) [,fɔ:tifi'kei∫n]
A tower, wall, gun position, etc. built to defend a place against attack
Tường đài phòng thủ
.Clearly to see that many fortifications still exist in some Old Towns
Jut (v) [dʒʌt]
Lòi ra, thò ra
.Little dog jutted out from the window to stare the town
Tile (v)
To cover a surface with tiles
Lợp ngói
.The weather is very hot, so Tim tile his roof
Mazy (a) ['meizi]
Quanh co
.Her way home was very mazy, I tried so hard to find
Coastline (n)
The land along a coast
Bờ biển
.It’s very cool to go along the coastline
Inland (a) ['inlənd]
In a direction form the coast toward the middle of a country
Vào trong lãnh thổ
.Laos is an inland country
Suburb (n) ['sʌbə:b]
An area where people live that is outside the centre of a city
.Binh Duong ia a suburb
Evacuate (v)
To move people from a place of danger to a safer place
Sơ tán dân cư
.Children were evacuated to a safer place
Blaze (v)
Cháy dữ dội
.The forest blazed. Almost whole trees of forest were died
Prone (v)
Thiênm về, ngả về
Friday, 26 September 2008
entry ngày 24/9
advocate (SUPPORT) 

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verb [T]
to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something:
[+ ing form of verb] She advocates taking a more long-term view.
He advocates the return of capital punishment.
ủng hộ

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1 [C or U] in some countries, the group of (usually) elected politicians or other people who make the laws for their country:
On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.
She was elected to Parliament in 1997.
2 [C] a particular period of time during which a parliament is operating, between either holidays or elections
nghị viện
constitution (LAWS)

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noun [C]
(a written document which forms) the set of political principles by which a state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs:
Britain has no written constitution.
The Constitution of the United States
Under (= As part of) the union constitution, a new committee must be elected each year.
hiến pháp

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believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change:
He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
These people have very radical views.
cấp tiến

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noun [C]
1 a suggestion, sometimes a written one:
Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the president.
[+ to infinitive] There has been an angry reaction to the government's proposal to reduce unemployment benefit.
Have you read Steve's proposals for the new project?
[+ that] There was anger at the proposal that a UN peacekeeping force should be sent to the area.
sự đề xuất

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They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
khác nhau
mang tính chất

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(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail:
He looks robust and healthy enough.
a robust pair of walking boots
a robust economy
khỏe mạnh

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noun [C or U]
(a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part:
Education is the current focus of public debate.
How we proceed from here is a matter for debate.
Over the year we have had several debates about future policy.
cuộc tranh luận

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noun [C]
an accusation which is unpleasant, unreasonable or unlikely to be true and which is made publicly with the intention of harming a person's reputation:
The prime minister has dismissed the allegations as smears and innuendo.
She claims she was the victim of a smear campaign (= repeated attempts to damage her reputation).
lời nói xấu

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noun [C] FORMAL
a statement which has not been proven to be true which says that someone has done something wrong or illegal:
Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.
[+ that] Allegations that Mr Dwight was receiving money from known criminals have caused a scandal.
cái cớ

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verb [T not continuous]
to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have:
After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.
Chris deserves our special thanks for all his efforts.
I hope they get the punishment they deserve.
[+ to infinitive] They certainly deserved to win that match.
xứng đáng

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noun [C]
a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do:
The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.
She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
a moral/ethical dilemma
tiến thoái lưỡng nan
cuộc chưng cầu dân ý
verb [T]
to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something:
[+ ing form of verb] She advocates taking a more long-term view.
He advocates the return of capital punishment.
ủng hộ
1 [C or U] in some countries, the group of (usually) elected politicians or other people who make the laws for their country:
On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.
She was elected to Parliament in 1997.
2 [C] a particular period of time during which a parliament is operating, between either holidays or elections
nghị viện
constitution (LAWS)
noun [C]
(a written document which forms) the set of political principles by which a state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs:
Britain has no written constitution.
The Constitution of the United States
Under (= As part of) the union constitution, a new committee must be elected each year.
hiến pháp
believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change:
He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
These people have very radical views.
cấp tiến
noun [C]
1 a suggestion, sometimes a written one:
Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the president.
[+ to infinitive] There has been an angry reaction to the government's proposal to reduce unemployment benefit.
Have you read Steve's proposals for the new project?
[+ that] There was anger at the proposal that a UN peacekeeping force should be sent to the area.
sự đề xuất
They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
khác nhau
mang tính chất
(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail:
He looks robust and healthy enough.
a robust pair of walking boots
a robust economy
khỏe mạnh
noun [C or U]
(a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part:
Education is the current focus of public debate.
How we proceed from here is a matter for debate.
Over the year we have had several debates about future policy.
cuộc tranh luận
noun [C]
an accusation which is unpleasant, unreasonable or unlikely to be true and which is made publicly with the intention of harming a person's reputation:
The prime minister has dismissed the allegations as smears and innuendo.
She claims she was the victim of a smear campaign (= repeated attempts to damage her reputation).
lời nói xấu
noun [C] FORMAL
a statement which has not been proven to be true which says that someone has done something wrong or illegal:
Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.
[+ that] Allegations that Mr Dwight was receiving money from known criminals have caused a scandal.
cái cớ
verb [T not continuous]
to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have:
After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.
Chris deserves our special thanks for all his efforts.
I hope they get the punishment they deserve.
[+ to infinitive] They certainly deserved to win that match.
xứng đáng
noun [C]
a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do:
The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.
She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
a moral/ethical dilemma
tiến thoái lưỡng nan
cuộc chưng cầu dân ý
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