Thursday, 25 September 2008

Từ vựng ngày 25-9

Laid on (v)
Tổ chức

Dominate (v)
To control or have a lot of influence over sb/sth, especially in an unpleasant way
Chỉ đạo, lãnh đạo
.As a child he was dominated by his father

Leadership vacuum
When there is no clear leader
Không có ai lãnh đạo thực sự

Credited with
=responsible for
Chịu trách nhiệm về
.He is credited with all of problems in his office’s project

United (a)
Joined together as a political unit or by shared aims
Liên minh

Overhaul (v) ['ouvəhɔ:l]
An examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs on it or making changes to it
Kiểm tra kĩ lưỡng, xem xét toàn bộ
.Maybe this car has been damaged. We should overhaul it

Well underway
Evidently happening

Ailing (a) ['eiliη]
Ill, unfit
.Max’s health isn’t good. He’s always ailing

Consult (with sb) on(v) [kən'sʌlt]
To discuss sth with sb to get their permission for sth
Hỏi ý kiến, tham khảo ý kiến
.I consulted with Tom on doing project

Catalyst (n) ['kætəlist]
A person or thing that causes a change
Ng, vật gây ảnh hưởng
.He’s a good worker, he’s a very important catalyst

Bottle-up (v)
Try not to allow other people to see that you r unhappy, angry, etc.
Kiềm chế cảm xúc
.When u’r sad, just cry. Bottling up is very bad for ur health

Tension(n) ['ten∫n]

A feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax

Sự căng thẳng

.The tension of their agurmentis so heavy

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