Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Từ vựng ngày 15/9

Knight Templar (n)

hiệp sĩ của tòa thánh

Astonish(v) [ə'stɔni∫]

To surprise sb very much

Làm ngạc nhiên

.Her first novel was astonishing


Very surprising ( sb)

.The high exam mark makes her astonished


Very surprising (sth)

.Susan doesn’t like shopping, Tim found it astonishing

Astonishment [-mənt] (n)

Venture (n) ['vent∫ə]

New activity ( usually in business) that has high risk

Dự án liều lĩnh

.There will be lots of ventures if you invest in a new company

-> venture into/on sth

-> nothing ventured, nothing gained

Facsimile (n) [fæk'simili]

Extract copy

Bản sao

.The facsimile of the novel is printed very bad

Parchment (n) ['pɑ:t∫mənt]

The marterial of animal skin is used to written on

Da viết

.The Egyptian has written on parchment

Accompanying (a) [ə'kʌmpəni]

Appearing with sb or sth else

Đi kèm

.Rihanna’s latest album will be released and so is its accompanying lyrics note

Mediaeval (a) [medi'i:vl]

Of Middle Ages

.Many Mediaeval architectures are very porpular

Crusader(n) [kru:'seidə]

Quân thập tự

Heresy (n) ['herəsi]

A belief or opinion against religion

Dị giáo

Heretic (n) ['herətik]

Person who follows heresy

Ng theo dị giáo

Inquisition(n) [,inkwi'zi∫n]

The organization set up by THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH to purnish people who opposed its beliefs (15th-17th centuary )

Tòa án dị giáo

Pilgrim (n) ['pilgrim]

A person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons

Ng hành hương

Muslim (n) ['muzlim; 'mʌzləm]

A person whose religion is Islam

Ng hồi giáo

Fell on hard time Become poor or had many troubles

Initiation (n) [i,ni∫i'ei∫n]

Lễ kết nạp

Proceedings (n)

Vụ kiện

Rehabilitate (v) [,ri:ə'biliteit]

To help sb to have a normal, useful life again after they have been very ill or in prison for a lone time

Phục hồi

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