Thursday, 11 September 2008

Từ vựng ngày 10/9

Crucial (a) ['kru:∫l]

Extremely inportant, necessary

.Eating is a crucial part of human’s life

Cautious (a) ['kɔ:∫əs]

Describes someone who avoid risks

.He’s a cautious driver

Describes sth which is careful, well considered and sometimes slow or uncertain

.What a cautious speech! I have listened to it all day and not get bored

Constitution (n)[,kɔnsti'tju:∫n]

A written document of political principles by which a state or organizations is gonverned

.The Constitution of the United States


Giao lại

.The government had the constitution re-instated

Rhetoric (n) ['retərik]

Political speech making

.Obama has an excenlent rhetoric

Restraint (n) [ri'streint]

Calm and controlled behaviour

.Mary was very angry because Tim had insulted her. But her restraint made everything back to normal

The hope a deal could still be salvage

The hope that the previous arrangement can be rescue

Detain (v) [di'tein]

To force sb officially to stay in aplace

.A demonstration was detained by the police

Democratic (a) [,demə'krætik]

Of a government based on the belief in freedom and equality between people

.The democratic candidate win in an election

Tackle (v)


Instability [,instə'biliti] (n)

Uncertainty caused by the possibility of a sudden change in the present situation

.The VNIndex’s instability is so dangerous for investors

Extremism (n) [iks'tri:mizm]

Chủ nghỉa cực đoan

.There are lots of people belive in extremism in Pakistan

Polarise ['pouləraiz] (v)

Phân cực

Forge (v)

Rèn luyện

.All students should forge to have a better life

Compromise (n) ['kɔmprəmaiz]


.A compromise between 2 companies

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