to walk or move with a lack of balance as if you are going to fall
đi loạng choạng
After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help.
FIGURATIVE The company is staggering under a $15 million debt and will almost certainly collapse by the end of the year.
FIGURATIVE The company is staggering under a $15 million debt and will almost certainly collapse by the end of the year.
to face, meet or deal with a difficult situation or person:
đối mặt
As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her way.
It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.
I thought I would remain calm, but when I was confronted with/by the TV camera, I became very nervous.
It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.
I thought I would remain calm, but when I was confronted with/by the TV camera, I became very nervous.
to release someone from one of the armed forces, especially at the end of a war
giải ngũ
He was demobilized in March 1946.
to change in order to fit a different situation, or to repair something slightly
điều chỉnh lại
After living abroad for so long, he found it difficult to readjust to life at home.
The clock automatically readjusts when you enter a new time zone.
The machines were old and constantly needed readjusting.
The clock automatically readjusts when you enter a new time zone.
The machines were old and constantly needed readjusting.
when someone tries to interfere in a situation
sự can thiệp
She seems to regard any advice or help from me as interference.
The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized.
The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized.
to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object
hiện ra lờ mờ
Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.
extremely large
khổng lồ
In the centre of the hall stood a colossal wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.
They were asking a colossal amount of money for the house.
They were asking a colossal amount of money for the house.
needing great strength and determination:
đòi hỏi nhiều sức mạnh
(the crime of) lack of loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or attempting to defeat its government:
sự mưu phản
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