Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Tibet, 50 ans d'occupation

occupation /ɔkypasjɔ̃/ feminine noun
  1. (pastime) occupation;
enfer /ɑ̃fɛʀ/ masculine noun Hell;

voilà /vwala/
  1. preposition here is
surnommer /syʀnɔme/ (conjugate⇒) transitive verb to nickname.

toit /twɑ/ masculine noun roof.

car/kaʀ/ conjunction because, for.

trop /tʀo/
  1. adverb too;
envie /ɑ̃vi/ feminine noun
  1. gen urge (de faire to do);
enquêter /ɑ̃kete/ (conjugate⇒) intransitive verb [policeman] to carry out an investigation;

/kɔ̃state/ (conjugate⇒) transitive verb
  1. to notice
confrère /kɔ̃fʀɛʀ/ masculine noun (at work) colleague;

montant, ~e /mɔ̃tɑ̃/ , /ɑ̃t/
  1. adjective
    1. [cabin, group] going up;
étage /etaʒ/ masculine noun
  1. floor;
rencontre /ʀɑ̃kɔ̃tʀ/ feminine noun
  1. meeting;
moine /mwan/ masculine noun monk.

ouvrir /uvʀiʀ/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb gen to open;
réticent, ~e /ʀetisɑ̃/ , /ɑ̃t/ adjective
  1. hesitant;

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