clash verb (FIGHT)
/klæʃ/ v
[I usually + adverb or preposition] to fight or argue
Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities.
The government and the opposition parties have clashed over the cuts in defence spending.
[I] If two opinions, statements or qualities clash, they are very different from each other
This latest statement from the White House clashes with important aspects of US foreign policy.
va chạm
va chạm
breach verb (BREAK PROMISE/RULE)
/briːtʃ/ v [T] formal
to break a law, promise, agreement or relationship
They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.
sự vi phạm
sự vi phạm
trademark noun (PRODUCT)
/-mɑːrk/ n [C]
a name or a symbol which is put on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer and which cannot be legally used by any other producer
Velcro is a registered trademark.
nhãn hiệu
nhãn hiệu
dispute noun
/dɪˈspjuːt/, /ˈdɪs.pjuːt/ n [C or U]
an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border
a bitter/long-running dispute
a border dispute
a pay/legal/trade dispute
They have been unable to settle/resolve the dispute over working conditions.
The unions are in dispute with management over pay.
cuộc tranh cãi
cuộc tranh cãi
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