dent noun
/dent/ n [C]
a small hollow mark in the surface of something, caused by pressure or by being hit
a dent in the door of a car
vết mẻ
vết mẻ
delegate noun
/ˈdel.ɪ.gət/ n [C]
a person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, especially at a meeting
Delegates have voted in favour of the motion.
Each union elects several delegates to the annual conference.
ngừoi đại diện
ngừoi đại diện
imperialist noun
/-ˈpɪr.i-/ n [C] often disapproving
someone who supports imperialism
ngừoi theo chủ nghĩa đế quốc
ngừoi theo chủ nghĩa đế quốc
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