Sunday, 4 October 2009

Disparition du couturier Yves Saint Laurent

couturier /kutyʀje/ masculine noun dress designer.

marque /maʀk/ feminine noun
  1. brand, make;

griffe /gʀif/ feminine noun
  1. claw;
bijou, pl ~x /biʒu/ masculine noun
  1. piece of jewellery GB or jewelry US;
monture /mɔ̃tyʀ/ feminine noun
  1. (for rider) mount;
entier, -ière /ɑ̃tje/ , /ɛʀ/ adjective
  1. whole;
compte /kɔ̃t/ masculine noun
  1. count;
assez /ase/ adverb
  1. enough;
porter /pɔʀte/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb
    1. to carry;
fabriquer /fabʀike/ (conjugate⇒) transitive verb
  1. to make;
    to manufacture;
créateur, -trice /kʀeatœʀ/ , /tʀis/ noun, masculine, feminine creator;

adapter /adapte/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb
    1. to fit (à to);
    1. to adapt [equipment];
chic /ʃik/
  1. adjective
    1. smart GB, chic;
    1. (familiar) chic, fashionable;
nœud /nø/ masculine noun
  1. gen knot;
papillon /papijɔ̃/ masculine noun
  1. butterfly;
créer /kʀee/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb gen to create;
séduire /sedɥiʀ/ (conjugate⇒) transitive verb
  1. [person] to captivate
  2. làm say đắm
disparition /dispaʀisjɔ̃/ feminine noun
  1. disappearance;
/defile/ (conjugate⇒) intransitive verb
  1. to parade;

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