extent noun
/ɪkˈstent/ n [S or U]
area or length; amount
From the top of the Empire State Building, you can see the full extent of Manhattan (= the area it covers).
We don't yet know the extent of his injuries (= how bad his injuries are).
Rosie's teacher was impressed by the extent of her knowledge (= how much she knew).
The River Nile is over 6500 kilometres in extent (= length).
wi mô
wi mô
boost verb
/buːst/ v [T]
to improve or increase something
The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
Share prices were boosted by reports of the President's recovery.
I tried to boost his ego (= make him feel more confident) by praising his cooking.
tăng zá
tăng zá
tariff noun
/ˈtær.ɪf/ n [C]
a charge or list of charges either for services or on goods entering a country
hay gây sự
contentious adjective
/kənˈtent .ʃəs/ adj
causing or likely to cause disagreement
a contentious decision/policy/issue/subject
She has some rather contentious views on education.
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