Friday, 31 October 2008

Malaysian monks' ant dilemma

monk PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [C]
a member of a group of religious men who do not marry and usually live together in a monastery
thầy tu

compound (AREA) PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [C]
an enclosed area which contains a group of buildings:
The gates opened and the troops marched into their compound.
The embassy compound has been closed to the public because of a bomb threat.

meditate PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
verb [I]
1 to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a religious activity:
Sophie meditates for 20 minutes every day.

2 to think seriously about something for a long time:
He meditated on the consequences of his decision.
bình tĩnh lại

swelling PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [C or U]
a part of your body which has become bigger because of illness or injury:
Put your foot into cold water to help the swelling go down.
sự sưng tấy

enlightenment PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [U]
1 the state of understanding something:
Can you give me any enlightenment on what happened?

2 in Hinduism and Buddhism, the highest spiritual state that can be achieved

3 the Enlightenment the period in the 18th century in Europe, when many people began to emphasize the importance of science and reason, rather than religion and tradition
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