Saturday, 4 October 2008

Từ vựng ngày 1/10

Row (n)

Deputy (n) /'depjuti/
A person who is given the power to do sth instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organization
Ng dc ủy quyền ( thường là tạm thời)
I’m acting as deputy when the boss is away.
The mayor has deputy in his state.

Renege (v) [ri’neig]
To fail to keep a promise or an agreement, etc.
Hủy bỏ lời hứa, hợp đồng
It’s a very gigantic contract that I can’t renege

To break open or apart suddenly, or to make sth do this
Nổ tung, làm nổ tung

Publication (n) /,pʌbli'keiʃn/
The act of making information or stories available to people in a printed form
Sự xuất bản
Her first novel is ready for publication in September

Outspokenly critical
Being very negative in public about sb

Liberal (n) /'libərəl/
Đảng viên đảng tự do

To complain about or express sadness
Than phiền, Bất bình
Researchers at university are always bemoaning their lack of funds

Enter the fray
Join the argument

To exist in an unpleasant way or unwanted situation, often for long time

Gripe (v) /graip/
Complain seriously
Kêu ca phàn nàn
She always gripe about her work at the office

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