very great in amount or level, or extremely good:
They were making the most tremendous amount of noise last night.
She's been a tremendous (= very great) help to me over the last few months.
You won? That's tremendous!
kinh khủng
verb [T]
1 to choose someone officially to do a particular job:
Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
Thompson has been designated (as/to be) team captain.
She has been designated to organize the meeting.
2 to state officially that a place or thing has a particular character or purpose:
This area of the park has been specially designated for children.
They officially designated the area (as) unsuitable for human habitation.
bổ nhiệm
clash (FIGHT)
1 [I usually + adverb or preposition] to fight or argue:
Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities.
The government and the opposition parties have clashed over the cuts in defence spending.
2 [I] If two opinions, statements or qualities clash, they are very different from each other:
This latest statement from the White House clashes with important aspects of US foreign policy.
mâu thuẫn
verb [T]
to spoil something:
A broken leg blighted her chances of winning the championship.
làm hỏng
verb [T]
1 to use something or someone, especially in an effective way:
The company is reconsidering the way in which it deploys its resources/staff.
My job doesn't really allow me fully to deploy my skills/talents.
2 to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed:
The decision has been made to deploy extra troops/more powerful weapons.
triển khai
conviction (CRIME)
noun [C or U]
when someone is officially found to be guilty of a particular crime:
As it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.
He has a long record of previous convictions for similar offences.
The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused public outrage locally.
Compare acquittal.
sự kết án
discriminate (TREAT DIFFERENTLY)
verb [I]
to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, religion, sex, etc:
She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.
In order to increase the number of female representatives, the selection committee decided to discriminate in favour of women for three years.
fan biệt đối xử
naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place:
Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
bản xứ
verb [T]
to understand something, especially something difficult:
I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.
The Government has acknowledged that homelessness is a problem but it has failed to grasp the scale of the problem.
advocate (SUPPORT)
verb [T]
to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something:
[+ ing form of verb] She advocates taking a more long-term view.
He advocates the return of capital punishment.
ủng hộ
subsidize, UK USUALLY subsidise
verb [T]
to pay part of the cost of something:
£50 would help to subsidize the training of an unemployed teenager.
The refugees live in subsidized housing provided by the authorities.
trợ cấp
impose (FORCE)
verb [T]
1 to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received:
Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.
Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.
The council has imposed a ban on alcohol in the city parks.
2 to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living:
I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.
We must impose some kind of order on the way this office is run.
bắt nộp phạt
verb [I] FORMAL
to fail to keep a promise or an agreement, etc:
If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.
ko zữ lời hứa
noun [U]
a drug made from the seeds of a poppy (= red flower) and used to control pain or to help people sleep.
It can make a person who takes it want more of it and is sometimes used by people to give them temporarily pleasant effects:
an opium addict
thuốc phiện
1 proudly refusing to obey authority:
a defiant attitude/gesture
The protesters blocking the entrance to the offices remained defiant this morning.
2 not willing to accept criticism or disapproval:
The Prime Minister was in defiant mood in the House of Commons yesterday.
bướng bỉnh
noun [C]
a brief interruption in a war or argument, or an agreement to stop fighting or arguing for a period of time:
After years of rivalry, the two companies have UK agreed/US agreed to a truce.
We've got to spend the weekend together, so we might as well call (= have) a truce.
Following last month's riots, the two big gangs in Los Angeles have finally declared a truce, ending years of bloodshed.
The fragile truce between the two sides is not expected to last long.
sự ngừng bắn
noun [C or U]
1 a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or get an advantage and no action can be taken:
Tomorrow's meeting between the two leaders is expected to break a diplomatic stalemate that has lasted for ten years.
Despite long discussions, the workers and the management remain locked in stalemate.
2 in chess, a position in which one player is unable to move, but their king is not being attacked, which means that neither of the two players wins
sự bế tac
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