Saturday, 4 October 2008

từ vựng ngày 3/9

= earthquakes

Wood used for building
Gỗ ( xây dựng )
He used timber to build his house

Rubble(n) /'rʌbl/
Broken stones and bricks that are left when a building falls down or is destroyed
After an earthquake, he tried to find the corpse of his wife in the rubble of his broken house

Reactor (n) /ri:'æktə/
Lò phản ứng
A nuclear reactor

Concrete (n) /'kɔnkri:t/
A very hard building material made by mixing together cament, sand, stones & water
Most of rise-buildings are built by concrete

Prefecture (n) /'pri:fekjuə/

Storm-tossed boat
A boat that is boucing up and down in the sea because of a storm

Tectonic plate /tek'tɔnik/
Parts of the structure of the planet, their movement can cause earthquake

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