a basic or important idea or quality of sth
bản chất thực chất
You should find out your problem's essence than just lament
a serious, sad occasion
hoàn cảnh cảnh ngộ
the beggar has a poor plight
a difficult, painful, unpleasant experience
thử thách
in the game, the participant must get over many ordeals to reach to the trophy
= gratefulness
=/= ingratitude
the feeling or quality of being grateful:
lòng biết ơn
She always shows her gratitude to her parents
showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
biết ơn
After the earthquake we felt grateful to be alive.
I'm just grateful that I'm not still working for him.
shocking and very bad
kinh khủng
Her parents' devorce is an appalling event for her.
appall (v)
to make sb have a strong, shocking feeling
làm sốc, làm khủng hoảng
The rubber rat appalled her
to exist in a long bad situation
ốm íu tiều tụy
a strong complaint
chống đối
there are many gripes around the newest policy
a bishop of the highest rank who is in charge of churches and other bishops in a particular large area
tổng giám mục
sự tắc nghẽn
The (traffic) congestion in the city gets even worse during the summer.
a change made to the words of a text
sự sửa đổi ( văn bản)
to take or claim responsibility or control, sometimes without the right to do so, or to begin to possess a characteristic
đảm đương, đảm nhiệm
The new President assumes office at midnight tonight.
the good reputation a person or organization has, based on their behaviour and ability:
tiếng tăm dựa vào thực lực
an artist of great stature
His stature as an art critic was tremendous.
If the school continues to gain in stature, it will attract the necessary financial support.
to take back an offer or statement, etc. or admit that a statement was false
rút lại ( lời nói ý kiến )
retract an invitation/confession/promise
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