representing or connected with the ideas and opinions of ordinary people:
a populist manifesto
a populist leader
người theo fai bảo thủ
noun [U]
a general, continuous increase in prices:
high/low inflation
the rate of inflation
Your salary will be increased in line with the 3% inflation expected this autumn.
Compare deflation at deflate (REDUCE MONEY SUPPLY).
sự lạm fat
noun [C]
1 a limited amount of something which one person is allowed to have, especially when there is not much of it available:
During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing and fuel.
2 an amount of something that you would expect to have:
We've had more than our ration of problems recently.
khẩu fan
subsidize, UK USUALLY subsidise
verb [T]
to pay part of the cost of something:
£50 would help to subsidize the training of an unemployed teenager.
The refugees live in subsidized housing provided by the authorities.
phụ cấp
verb [T usually + adverb or preposition]
1 to consider or have an opinion about something or someone:
Local people regard this idea of a motorway through their village with horror.
Her parents always regarded her as the cleverest of their children.
2 FORMAL to look carefully at something or someone:
The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.
để ý tới
noun [C usually singular; U]
something which you believe you deserve to have because of your family situation or social class, or because you believe it is your right as a human being:
Americans see freedom of expression as their birthright.
Some men see well-paid, powerful jobs as their birthright.
wuyen cua con trưởng
toy with sth (CONSIDER) phrasal verb
to consider something or doing something, but not in a very serious way, and without making a decision:
We're toying with the idea of going to Peru next year.
đùa giỡn
curb (CONTROL)
verb [T]
to control or limit something that is not desirable:
The Government should act to curb tax evasion.
hạn chế
noun [U]
when you depend on or trust in something or someone:
The region's reliance on tourism is unwise.
You place too much reliance on her ideas and expertise
sự tin cậy
impose (FORCE)
verb [T]
1 to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received:
Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.
Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.
The council has imposed a ban on alcohol in the city parks.
2 to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living:
I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.
We must impose some kind of order on the way this office is run.
bắc buộc phải đóng
hình phạt
a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government or a political party:
chính sách
They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security policy.
consumption (n)
the amount used
sự tiêu thụ
We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road.
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