chỉnh sửa.
He revised his essay 10 times before gave it to his teacher.
Gloss over (v)
to avoid considering sth bad, to make it seem unimportant, and to quickly talking about sth else.
lấp liếm, che đậy.
He glossed over his bad habits during the conversation.
tội ác
He shown his atrocity when killing an innocent animal.
a department of the government led by a minister
The Ministry of Agriculture, The ministry of education.
an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, ex: workers & employers, 2 bordering countries
tranh cãi ( có chính quyền chen giữa)
A dispute between workers and employers for higher salaries.
Tone down (v)
giảm bớt.
A person who is not a member of police or armed-force
Dân thường ( trái nghĩa zới quân đội )
The bomb has killed 4 soldiers and 10 civilians
if a person commits to suicide, they kill themselves.
Tự tử
tự nguyên
She does voluntary work for the Red Cross two days a week.
the process of gathering together or the state of being together
cuộc họp
the United Nations General Assembly
Eye-witness (n)
people who saw the event
ng chứng kiến
mê cuồng
He's fanatical about soccer.
Handle out (v)
đưa, giao
bom nhỏ
the revolutionaries thrown their hand grenades to the invader's house
Marines storm ( ko hỉu từ này lắm ^__^ )
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