naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place:
Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
bản xứ
A photograph of her daughter was prominently displayed (= in a position where it could be seen) on her desk.
đáng nổi bật
prospect (POSSIBILITY)
1 [C or U] the possibility that something good might happen in the future:
Is there any prospect of the weather improving?
There seems little prospect of an end to the dispute.
[+ that] There's not much prospect that this war will be over soon.
There's every prospect of success.
2 [S] the idea of something that will or might happen in the future:
The prospect of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror.
I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing her again.
We face the prospect of having to start all over again.
3 [C] a person who might be chosen, for example as an employee:
We'll be interviewing four more prospects for the posts this afternoon.
thuộc về tương lai
verb [T]
1 to take something in, especially gradually:
Plants absorb carbon dioxide.
In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.
Towels absorb moisture.
The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed by/into the large cities.
See also self-absorbed.
2 to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them:
It's hard to absorb so much information.
3 to reduce the effect of a physical force, shock or change:
The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash.
4 If someone's work, or a book, film, etc. absorbs them, or they are absorbed in it, their attention is given completely to it:
Simon was so absorbed in his book, he didn't even notice me come in.
miệt mài
1 socially acceptable or good:
Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.
I thought he was a decent sort of person.
It was very decent (= kind) of you to help.
It made quite a decent-sized (= large) hole.
After the recent scandal, the priest is expected to do the decent thing and resign from his position.
2 INFORMAL dressed or wearing clothes:
Are you decent yet?
You can come in now, I'm decent.
tao nhã
noun [S or U]
I'm afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited.
hiểu thấu
harmony (MUSIC)
noun [C or U]
a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung at the same time:
singing in harmony
It is a simple melody with complex harmonies.
sự hài hòa
discriminate (TREAT DIFFERENTLY)
verb [I]
to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, religion, sex, etc:
She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.
In order to increase the number of female representatives, the selection committee decided to discriminate in favour of women for three years.
phân biệt đối xử
noun [U]
1 the ability to read and write:
Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.
2 knowledge of a particular subject, or a particular type of knowledge:
Computer literacy is becoming as essential as the ability to drive a car.
biết viết,biết đọc
based on or relating to a particular set of ideas or beliefs:
ideological differences
There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.
tư tưởng
1 [C or U] an idea, something said or written, or behaviour that is foolish or ridiculous:
This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.
The accusations are (absolute/complete/utter) nonsense.
Nonsense/Don't talk nonsense! She's far too ill to return to work!
You mustn't upset your sister with any more nonsense about ghosts.
[+ to infinitive] It's (a) nonsense to say that he's too old for the job.
2 [U] language which cannot be understood because it does not mean anything:
The translation of the instructions was so poor they were just nonsense.
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