Monday, 27 October 2008

Blood type switch

dramatic Hide phoneticsadjectivevery sudden or noticeable, or full of action and excitement:a dramatic change/improvement
We watched scenes of the dramatic (= exciting) rescue on the news
gây xúc động mạnh mẽ

blood transfusion noun [C]
a process in which blood that has been taken from one person is put into another person's body, especially after an accident or during an operation
sự truyền máu

desperate (RISKY) Hide phoneticsadjective1 feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the bad situation you are in:
The doctors made one last desperate attempt/effort to save the boy's life.Desperate measures are needed to deal with the growing drug problem.
They made a desperate plea for help.
2 willing to be violent, and therefore dangerous:
This man is desperate and should not be approached as he may have a gun.
liều lĩnh

unify Hide phoneticsverb [T]
to bring together; combine:
If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.

fragmented Hide phoneticsadjective
consisting of several separate parts:In this increasingly fragmented society, a sense of community is a thing of the past.
The President has only held onto power because the opposition is so fragmented.

blood donor noun
[C]someone who regularly gives some of their blood for ill people who need it
người hiến máu

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